
午前中待機の間に『マーシャン・インカ』読了。むかしジュディス・メリルが言っていた「Speculative Fiction」ですな。検索かけてみたらこんな文章出てきました。懐かしいなあ。

What is S-F ? Science fiction ? Fantasy ? Yes―and much more.
S is for Science and Sawellites , Starships and Space ; for Semantics , Society , Satire , Suspense , Stimulation , Suprise and , avobe all―Speculation.
F is for Fantasy , Fiction , and Fable , Fairytale , Folklore , and Farce ; for Future and Forecast and Fate anf Free Will ; Firmament , Fireball , Fission and Fusion ; Facts and Factseeking , Figuring , Fancy-free , and just plain Fun.